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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Invisible the Start Menu Button

Some users use the 'Windows Key' except using the 'start Menu Button' from keyboard. You can remove your 'Start Menu Button'. If you install 'Start Killer' software to your PC. Then, your 'Start Menu Button' will be invisibled automatically. Now, you can go to the 'Start Menu Button' by using (Ctrl + Esc) button from keyboard.

If you want to visible the 'Start Menu Button' to your PC by using the following works.

- You have to 'Right Mouse Click' to the 'System Tray Icon' of the 'Start Killer' software from 'Taskbar'.

- Then, click 'Exit'

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Change the folder icon & icon background

You can change the folder icon & icon background by using 'Folder maker' software. You can also create nw icons & use it.

Give Vista Desktop Sidebar to your Windows XP

'Desktop Sidebar' options is the excellent features in the Microsoft Windows Vista. You can run Calender, Calculator, Windows Media Player etc. from your Desktop by using 'Desktop Sidebar' software. The most interesting thing is that, you can do the Autohide to your Windows Media Player. When you play your songs through windows Media Player that time you can hide the Windows Media Player option from the 'Taskbar'. At that time, the song will be continued. For this reason, a new person can't understand from where is the songs are playing.

Give Vista Look to your Microsoft Windows XP

The persons whose PC don't support the Microsoft Winows Vista, they can give their Microsoft Windows XP to the Microsoft Windows Vista look. You can change differnent styles from Microsoft Windows XP by using the software 'WindowBlinds'. Title bar, Menu bar can be changed which you want by using this software. Otherwise, Theme, Screen also can be changed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Transform Leopard Theme to your Windows XP

You can give Leopard theme to Windows XP. Every work will execute as a 'Microsoft Windows XP'. But outlook will be Leopard theme. For this work, you have to download & install a software which is 'LeopardXP BricoPack 1.0'. All the options of the 'Microsoft Windows XP' will be Leopard except your 'Microsoft Windows XP Boot Screen'.

Download Link:

Change the System Folder Drive from the Windows XP

Normally our 'System Folder Drive' stays to our Windows XP Operating System Drive (c:\program file). Sometimes, we want to change our System Folder Drive location.

● At first, Click ‘Start’ menu
● Click ‘Run’
● Type ‘regedit’ (‘Registry Editor’ dialog box will appear)
● Then, Click the following steps one by one
● Click 'ProgramFilesDir' ('Edit String' dialog box will appear)
● Under 'Value data', default value is 'c:\program file'. Change the drive letter 'C' &
   type other drive letter 'D' or 'E' or 'F' etc.
● Then, give 'Restart' to your PC

Restart your computer by giving one click to the Windows XP

You can Restart your computer by giving one click to the Windows XP.

● At first, give Right-click on the desktop
● From the popup menu, click New > Shortcut
● Then, it will create shortcut window.
● Under ‘Type the location of the item’, type the following command to the box
   “SHUTDOWN -r -t 30” (Here, 30 means Computer will restart after 30 Seconds.
   You can increase or decrease the time 30)
● Click ‘Next’
● Under ‘Type a name for this shortcut’, type a name ‘shutdown’
● Click Finish
● Now by clicking on the shortcut to Restart the Windows XP

Online HTML School

Most of the people have no idea how to use 'HTML Code' directly & get instant result to the online. For this work, one website is providing this kind of facilities where you can type a line or copy & paste a line. Then, you will get instant result from that 'HTML code'. The persons who are very new to 'HTML Code', they can practice with this 'HTML code'.

● From the picture we can see that, the left side box is used for typing a line or copy
   & paste a line of the 'HTML Code'.
● Then, click 'edit and clickme>>' button to the upper side
● You can see the 'HTML Code' result to the right side box

Website Link:

Mozilla Firefox will read out the text

If most famous web browser Mozilla Firefox will read out when you will type something, what do you think about it. Like 'Microsoft Windows Text to Speech', Mozilla Firefox Add-ons can read out any kind of text to the website by giving one click. That's why, you have to install the 'Speak It' Add-ons. After installing this Add-ons, you have to 'Restart' the Mozilla Firefox. Then, you can select any line from your web browser & click 'Right Mouse Button' from your mouse. Then, click 'Say It' from the 'Popup Menu'. This software uses the 'Microsoft Text to Speech Engines'.

Download Link:

Good Downloader Orbit

We are the people are not happy with our downloader. We are not satisfy 100% with it.Each of downloader software have some problems such as low download speed, can't pause the download file, some of them decrease the internet speed etc. But Orbit Downloader software will give you 10% satisfaction for downloading files. It supports all kind of files. Otherwise, it helps you to download files automatically. You can pause more than one file at a time. Most interesting thing is that, you can start download again which was failed to download from the begaining. It has the virus protection from virus. This Orbit downloader software is fast than other downloader softwares. It helps you to download the files with your most internet speed. You can download any kind of file by using any browser with this Orbit downloader.

● You can copy the URL from your browser & paste it to the File Menu > New > Ok.

Download Link:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Remove unnecessary software or games from your PC

Sometimes, you want to remove the unnecessary software or games. But don't delete any software or games file from your PC directly to press the 'Delete' button by using Keyboard.

● At first, Click ‘Start’ menu
● Click ‘Control Panel’
● Click ‘Add or Remove Programs’
● Click a specific software or games which you want to remove from your PC
● Click ‘Remove’
● Click the required necessary option which will come to remove the software or
   games from your PC
● Then, 'Restart' your PC

Add a new hardware to your PC

When you add a new hardware to your PC, that time, sometimes it can not understand about the new hardware. But, You can add a new hardware to your PC manually to understand about the new Hardware.

● At first, Click ‘Start’ menu
● Click ‘Control Panel’
● Click ‘Add Hardware’
● Click ‘Next’ (Your computer will scan your whole PC to get the new hardware which
   is newly attached)
● Under, ‘Yes, I have already connected the hardware’, click the check box
● Click ‘Next’
● Click the ‘Yellow Symbol’ hardware name
● Click ‘Next’
● Click ‘Finish’

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to decrease the computer starting time

There are many types of computer software are loaded for using computer work which increase the computer start up time. This will take a lot of time. You can solve this problem very easily.

● At first, Click ‘Start’ menu
● Click ‘Run’
● Type ‘msconfig’
● Click ‘Ok’ (‘System Configuration Utility’ dialog box will appear)
● On the dialog box, click ‘Start up’ tab
● Give check mark which programs you want to keep active after starting your
   computer & rest of others uncheck it
● Click ‘Ok’
● Click ‘Ok’
● Click ‘Restart’ it.

Hibernate can be done by giving one click

Hibernate can be done by giving one click.

● At first, give Right-click on the desktop
● From the popup menu, click New > Shortcut
● Then, it will create shortcut window.
● Under ‘Type the location of the item’, type the following command to the
   box “rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState”
● Click ‘Next’
● Under ‘Type a name for this shortcut’, type a name ‘rundll32’
● Click Finish
● Now by clicking on the shortcut to hibernate